Look at the business at a glance, in real time on your desktop or mobile
In Travelead CRM system, you can easily create dashboard panels that will allow you to make business decisions.

Improve Travel Agents Teamwork
Get a snapshot of customer service at any given moment. Which orders were answered and which are still pending. Give customers, in real time, the response and treatment required and improve customer experience from the sales phase to the closing phase.
A control system as a key tool for making marketing decisions
Decide which marketing channel is more profitable? Which campaign is more profitable? Analyzing the marketing control panels - TraveLead CRM system will allow you to make more efficient, smart and productive marketing decisions.

Quickly identify future marketing opportunities and create a competitive edge.
TraveLead CRM detects exceptional demands for destinations on certain dates, updates you immediately and allows you to check opportunities in that destination for the requested date. Did you recognize the essence of the event? You can create a customized flight or vacation package for your target audiences, target them instantly and leave your competitors far behind - all with full automation!